
Our marketing bootcamp is a day-long crash course in results-driven internet marketing, facilitated by our principal, Vladislav Davidzon.  The program is followed by optional monthly hour-long consulting conference calls, tailored to your specific needs.   This course is designed to be profoundly valuable for both for-profit marketers and non-profit outreach managers — the basic fundamentals are the same.

  • The Case for Online-Only MarketingWhat the Dead Tree Marketers Don’t Want You to Know
    Why killing trees will break the bank but won’t give you meaningful results.  Why and how to demand and get results for each and every advertising dollar spent.
  • Traditional Principles Applied to New Technology
    They say that the web changes everything, but the truth isn’t quite that simple.  Learn why time-tested principles still apply, and why you want to pay attention to those principles regardless of the medium you use.
  • Basics of Inbox Management
    How I read literally 5000-10,000 messages each month, determine what’s relevant, kill the distractions and get things done: effective use of filters (and good spam filtering).
  • Real Simple Syndication (RSS)
    Why welcoming more information, real-time, into your (undoubtedly overloaded) life will help you become more effective.
  • Building Buzz with Effective E-Mail Marketing
    How to build your e-mail list and write effective messages that drive results;  and technical issues with e-mail marketing.
  • Affiliate Marketing and Why It Works
    The marketing strategy largely pioneered by can drive significant benefits to your organization over time.  Whether your goal is sales or social change campaign actions (such as petitions), an affiliate marketing strategy can pay off significant dividends over the long term.
  • Search Engine Optimization:  The Long-Term Strategy
    Over the long-term, an effective and ethical search engine optimization campaign can drive significant results.  We will discuss the basics of how search engine optimization works, why it matters, and general strategies towards success.
  • Pay-Per-Click: What It Is and Why It Makes Sense in the Short Term
    Sometimes you need results quickly, and pay-per-click can deliver effective results.  With google’s ability to track results from each keyword, effective statistics can be developed. 
  • Cut the Nonsense, Drive Results:  Social Marketing – Facebook, Twitter
    The fundamentals of effective social media campaigns (Hint:  ignore the hype and focus on the basics).  Why Facebook is your essential social tool to drive impressions.   How to sing with the birds and twitter your way to attention.

Next Workshop + Location:  TBA

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